Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Having a night out & Japanese Lunch

Last Saturday I finished my work at 6pm so me and my bf decided to go out after he finished his work
We started with just drinking one beer together from the off-license and searched for a nice bar/pub/club in shoreditch
We ended up in Avalon haha

me in this bad quality picture lol

We had just two cocktails and one beer and decided then to go to another place :)
Right next to Avalon there was another place, unfortunatelly I don't know the names of the other places we went after Avalon :( Anyways, they sold big bowles of alcohol for around 30 pound... but we just drank beer again loool 
Sorry, I don't really have nice pictures :| After that we went to a table dance place, another bar and finally a fifth club/bar. We drank so much and it was really funny haha
The next day we woke up quite early and went to eat lunch at a japanese restaurant/izakaya called Akari

This Tofu-Salad was really good! It was my favourite :D

I had teriyaki salmon and my bf oyako-don and because he loves squid we ordered that as well but I didn't really like it so much :( (normally I like squid :) )

The rest of the day we just relaxed and finished to watch lost!!! It took us about 4 month haha 

Ah we found these signs and wondered if they're real lol
And I got a letter and present from my bf's mum :D

I have a strange obsession with sticker like a child haha
I think they're soooo cute :) Thank you so much :D

Ok I need to get ready now!
Thank you for reading ^__^

3 Kommentare:

  1. I'm follow now from Tokyo
    Please follow back

  2. Der kuchen sieht so lecker aus.
    Gut dass es euch in london so gut geht.
    Wenn du mal wieder in japan bist(und ich auch)muessen wir uns treffen:)

  3. hi♥
    jaaa ich glaube du hast recht!!
    warst du mal bei einem d=out konzert, ich glauuube in köln? sogar meine schwester erinnert sich an dich, wenn das stimmt :D
    ist ja mal lustig!
    und jetzt wohnst du in london?
    ist ja mal interessant:) wie lange bleibst du denn da noch (^^)?
    liebe grüße♥

    ps: ich mag die lila schuhe auch haha aber etwas weh tun die mir auch, wenn ich sie länger anhabe :(
